Action for Social Development and Environmental Protection Organization (ASDEPO) has been implementing an emergency, WASH and Nutrition response project in partnership with Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)in four drought and conflict affected woredas of Dawa Zone, Somali Regional State namely Moyale, Hudet, Qadaduma and Mubarak woredas.
The objective of project was To improve health and well-being of the drought affected communities through strengthening access to safe and adequate WASH services, To contribute the reduction in morbidity and mortality of communities affected by drought including IDPs and host communities, through provision of quality preventive and curative services for the management of sever acute malnutrition (SAM).
Throughout the project period from (March 08, 2022 to August 07, 2022) ASDEPO has reached 13000 direct and 32000 indirect beneficiaries on WaSH project through providing Water truck, water treatment chemical, dignity kit & BCC related to Hygiene promotion and nutrition Support to the routine screening, mass screening & treatment for malnourished 18,600 under 5 children and 5,358 PLW’s and food for care taker.
ASDEPO has closed out the project on August 07/2022 after 5 month of successful implementation.