Action for Social Development and Environmental Protection Organization (ASDEPO) has organized Training of Trainers (TOT) for key regional and field office staff with an aim of bolstering capabilities of its sub offices. The training was held in Addis Ababa at Debre Damo Hotel for 2 consecutive days (November 21 and 22, 2023).
The major areas covered through the TOT session were overview about ASDEPO as an organization, financial procedures, Basic Procurement Concepts, Protection and PSEA Policy, Monitoring and Evaluation, AAP Including CFRM and ASDEPO New Organogram.
Over 20 coordinators and LAF officers from 7 field offices across 6 regions took part in the pilot. The ToT will allow participants to then cascade the knowledge and skills developed to their co-workers at their sites of operation and beyond. This initiative aims to build a consistent knowledge base and skillset among distant field teams. The training was provided by professionals representing different departments of ASDEPO and program heads from head office.